Weight Tracker

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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Taking it together Tuesday #11

I didn't do so well this week, but I'm getting back on track!

Beginning Weight: 264.4 lbs
Present Weight: 214 lbs
Weight Gain this week: 3 lbs
Total weight loss so far: 50.4 lbs

Thanks for keeping me honest.

Here's how everyone else did this week (Overall we gained this week, but that happens sometimes...time to get back to it!):

Chris - 2 GAIN
Tammy - 1 LOSS
Life With Hashi-Thyroid Blog - 0 CHANGE
Grace -3 GAIN
Leigh - 3.5 GAIN
Clara - 4 LOSS
Dette - 2 GAIN
Julie - 0.2 LOSS
Cheryl - 0 CHANGE
Audrey - 2 LOSS
Christy - 2 GAIN
Tina - no report yet
Danielle - 0 CHANGE
Jessie - 0 CHANGE
This week's total - 5.3 GAIN!


Chris said...

yupe, this week was terrible for me too. I was sooo lazy and ate like a piggie :) I have higher hopes for next week tho, have a good one!

Anonymous said...

you did better than me! I GAINED 3.5 POUNDS!!!

Pam said...

i think a lot of us struggled this last week. i had a uti which needed meds which caused my body to swell was WEIRD to say the least. i'm sure we'll all get back on track this week and kick butt! enjoy your week :)

myspoileddogs said...

We all need to get refocused! hopefully we can stay focused this week and report an overall loss next week!