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Monday, July 14, 2008

Just a brief note...

My mom went in for major surgery this morning and will be in surgery for approximately 6 hours. I can not go into too much detail as it is too hard for me to explain it adequately, but the long and short of it is (like we told "Big Stuff" and "Little Bit") something inside her got broken and the doctors need to get inside her and fix it. So, there's no panic...we've known about this for a while but didn't have all the details until this past week, and apparently my mom's been living with this for a few years, but didn't know it. She does not have cancer and her heart is fine, but the doctors do have to open her up to fix the problem and needless to say with this being major surgery, and even though she is otherwise healthy...I'm still worried about her (and my dad, who told me, "As a pastor I'm used to seeing people in the hospital about to go into surgery, and it's never an easy thing to do, but when it's the "love of you life" that takes it to an entirely different level.")

I'll keep everyone posted.


Anonymous said...

You know my heart is with you. Please keep us updated. I love you!