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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Update on my mom & a word of thanks!

As most of you know, my mom has been in the hospital since Monday, July 14th, when she had her surgery. After a slight set back or two, I'm happy to let you all know that she is OUT OF THE HOSPITAL AND BACK HOME! She still has some recovery of course, but she is home!

I cannot begin to express to you all how much each and everyone of your kind words, thoughts, wishes, and prayers have helped me and my family. I would love to give you all a great big hug personally, but since that obviously isn't possible I at least want to say "Thank you! Thank you all from the very bottom of my heart!" You've all helped me more than you will ever know and I will forever be greatful for the kindness, concern, and compassion I have been shown, even from those that I only know "cyberly" and not "personally".


Chris said...

oh how neat that your Mom is doing good! Family is so important. May she recover quickly. XO

Julie said...

That is great news!

Unknown said...

I'm glad your mom is doing better! :-)

Isn't it great how the blogging community can be so supportive in a time of crisis?

Clara said...

Yeah, Mom!!! She must be so relieved to be back home. I know what you mean about friends who pray. Don't know how we'd survive without each other!

Dette said...

Hurray!!! That's WONDERFUL news!!

Tammy said...

That is great that your mom is home and feeling better.

Anonymous said...

I knew she'd be fine! She's so strong. Love to everyone!

Pam said...

glad to hear your mom is doing well. :)

love the new background.