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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

I would rather be home! (Originally posted on Wednesday, August 01, 2007)

I'm just cranky sorry...

I just wanted to vent and get it out of my system.

Long story short, I'm working a 14 hour day. I came to work today expecting a normal 8 hour day, but due to others calling in sick (legitamently) and others being on vacation (God knows, legitamently) my boss had no choice but to have me to stay until midnight, as another coworker came in at 4am and will have to be back at 4am for the rest of the week due to the same above reasons. I can handle long days when I know about them ahead of time, but to be sucker punched with it is another story. Now, I'm not saying that my boss was out to get me...he didn't really have any other choice...I'm just saying that the situation is frustrating.

This isn't poetic, this isn't philosophical, it just is.

The strange thing being me...I feel AWFUL about being irritated about having to stay late, when things could easily be soooooo much worse. I, of all people, know that this ISN'T a big deal, so why get bent out of shape about it??? If you can figure that out for me then you will have figured out one of my (I only have one...really????) biggest neuroses...guilt over nothing!

Guilt over something is one thing is one thing (you commit some own up to it...some sort of resolution takes place), but guilt over nothing is just plan idiotic! You can't fix it, because...let's face it...there's nothing to fix! But I digress...

ANYWAY I'm working late.
It really stinks.
I'd rather be home,
but that's
Not happening TONIGHT!

Thus my vent ends...thanks for listening.