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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Worker Bees

I try to not get too specific when I write about work...job specifics...never a good idea when blogging, but what's going on at my job right now is a bit universal to everyone...unfortunately .

There was a meeting at work recently to discuss cares/concerns since the cutbacks/layoffs. Well it was at this meeting that information was given that basically said more layoffs were coming. The scary thing is we're already functioning at a bare bones level as it losing more people is very frightening for all concerned...those staying (whoever they may be) and those leaving (again, whoever they may be). That's the other frustrating one knows who's leaving again *sigh*

Businesses these days are hurting, as is the rest of the country, but I see lots of wasted things being done at these same businesses. Things like purchasing lots of live greenery and plants, instead of artificial, to create an air of holiday spirit. Companies paying for upscale Christmas parties (that only executives and big wigs are invited to as the company party was cancelled long ago due to budgeting reasons)...I think if layoffs are needed to boost the bottomline then some perks like that should be casualties first, and don't even get me started on bonuses for CEO's...actually I think that I will go there...

Eons ago I worked for a large corporation. This company (not the one I work for now) gathered all the employees right before the holidays and basically told the employees that there would either be no raises for anyone the following year or the company would have to cut employees, and as the company could not afford to downsize at that time they were going with the no raises option. Everyone, while not exactly thrilled, was fine with this as everyone was still gamefully employed. Fine, that is, until the 4th quarter statements came out and said that for that particular year...profits were up (albeit minimally so) and the head of the company took a cut in his (or her) bonus that year and instead of the usual $10 to $15 Million bonus...they made due with a paltry $6 Million bonus...our question at the time was if the company was hurting so badly that there would be no raises for the following year for anyone...why not cut the bonuses ?!?!?! (Side note: the year after the no raises, the head of the company received approximately a $20 Million bonus.) It was situations like this that made me start exploring other options in my career and when I left that company they wanted to know what they could do to keep me as I was a valuable asset to the company...go figure.

My point is: it seems to me that the "worker bees" take the brunt of most of the cutbacks while the "queen bees" try to stay in the hive with all the honey. Which IMHO they had more honey from the start. It's not just my industry, but all industries.

The best we "worker bees" can do is expect the worst, hope for the best. I've learned that whatever is going to happen will happen and it's easier to just roll with it than to get stressed out by it (not to mention that it's probably healthier). I have no other advice but that for those of you going through the same thing. So from one "worker bee" to another...hang in there.