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Saturday, December 29, 2007

It's official! I'm kid friendly...but this is MESSED UP!!! But in a funny way of course!

So Angelika had posted that she was rated NC-17, but not for the usual I thought I'd try it a few times...and keep editing the same post just to see what would happened...enjoy the following:

I went and rated myself and this is what I got:

I wonder what would happen if I used the words: sex or hurt or pain even innocently as in, "My child fell down the other day and skinned his knee. He said that it really hurt and he was in a lot of pain. So being the loving mother that I am I took him to the doctor to be checked out. Once there, they gave me a form to fill out. I did and took it back to the window. The nurse looked over the paperwork and informed me that I forgot to check the box for my child's sex. I corrected the problem and we went in to see the doctor. The good news is that my child is fine."

checking website
Well, I'm still:

but with a warning about the use of the word pain x2. I wonder how many times I'd have to use it to make a PG? Let's find out

checking website
by just using the word again when informing you of what happened
I have NOW a

This rating was determined based on the presence of the following words:

pain (3x) hurt (2x)

checking website
I'm still:

BUT This rating was determined based on the presence of the following words:

pain (4x) hurt (3x) sex (2x)

OK one more let's go...

checking website
I'm still

This rating was determined based on the presence of the following words:

pain (5x) hurt (4x) sex (3x)

That's pretty messed up!!! Funny...but MESSED UP nonetheless. Hey! At least I'm social,"...sad and demented, but social."


Unknown said...

what if you just had back problems and talked about the pain and how much it hurt?

It is messed up. Happy Saturday!

Eternal Flux

Menopauseprincess said...

The first time I did this I got a G rating too. I don't know why but somehow I felt I had less "street cred" with the G.

Unknown said...

Eternal Flux I knew you'd get a kick out of this.

Menopauseprincess I thought it was funny that just using the word pain got it bumped up so quick, but while I hope that I don't write anything that would haunt me later...I know what you mean :-)

Unknown said...


I don't even care about my rating, but their criteria is just crazy, LOL.

fmtv2 said...

I just checked and I have a PG...I think I'm okay with that. I used kill twice and crap once. Whoo...racy!

Don't know why kill is enough for a PG though.

Lis said...

For having "crappy (2x)" and "ass (1x)" on my blog, I'm rated R. That's... weird.

Unknown said...

Angelika You're right about the criteria...

fmtv2 1st off I absolutely LOVE your identity name. 2nd did you "kill" something bad like a bug? Or did somebody do something that just "killed" you? Either way I think you're OK :-)

lis must be really racy!!! (I'm kidding of course.) Thanks for the comment.