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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Hubby's sick...World comes to an end!

Now before I start getting hate mail from the guys out there: My hubby admits that he is a "bad sicky" (those are his words not mine!)

Anyway, like the rest of the United States, I suppose, the flu is going around down here, and thanks to the Flu vaccine focusing on the wrong strain this year (and NO I'm not saying not to get a flu shot...this is something that just happens from time to time) Hubby's entire office is coming down with OR is out with OR is fighting off the flu. Hubby seems to be falling into option 3, but by tomorrow who knows.

Hubby was suppose to drop his car off this morning for an oil change and then the dealership would drop him off at work and at lunch time I'd pick him up and take him to his car. We would then MAYBE grab lunch if there was time. However, Hubby overslept...I had to reschedule the car appointment...and then "little bit" woke up so since he was already late and she wanted DAAAADDY...he took her to daycare (see Hubby's a good guy...and does deserve kudos too) leaving me to get ready for work and getting "big stuff" off to school.

About 9am I get a text saying that he's fighting off a headache and he'd still like to have lunch. So, we set up to have lunch and around 12:30p he picks up lunch and brings it to my office (more kudos), but when I see him he looks like death warmed over!

Hubby: "Am I hot?"

Me: "You don't feel warm."

Hubby: "Ok"

We eat pretty much in silence...

Me: "If you were feeling so bad you didn't have to bring lunch..."

Hubby: "I thought getting out would make me feel better...I'm sorry"

Me: "For what?"

Hubby: "I'm a bad sicky"

Me: "When I get home tonight you go straight to bed...I've got everything under..."

Hubby: "I don't want to..."

Me: "You want to be sick for your birthday?"

Hubby: " is tradition (weak laugh)"

Me: "Just get some rest ok? I've got the kids. Don't worry about anything."

Hubby leaves to go back to work.

After being married for as long as we have I know how this will go. He'll push himself through the rest of his workday, then pick up "big stuff" and "little bit", maybe let them have Micky D's for dinner, get home and instead of resting he'll find some project to start or some game to play, and because he feels bad, by the time I get home one or both of the kids will be in time out and he'll be fumming about something that he normally wouldn't like spilled popcorn (another story for another time), and when I suggest that he go to bed and get some rest and let me take care of everything he'll storm off in a, albeit sick, huff and say "I'm not tired, but if it will make you feel better FINE!!!" 5 minutes later I'll hear snoring coming from the other room, but, no, he wasn't tired.

Tomorrow, provided he doesn't actually have the flu, he'll feel better and then apologize to the kids for being a "Grumpy Daddy" and I'll hear the "Sorry, you were right...I should have listened" speech. On the other hand if he does have the flu, he will stay home from work, go to the doctor, and then sleep until Monday, and will then wonder why the weekends "just FLY by". Meanwhile, I'll be exhausted from trying to keep everyone else in the house healthy and quiet...including myself!

Oh well, I just want him to feel better soon.


Cynthia Rose said...

Hope he feels better soon. Don't forget to take care yourself too so you don't catch it.

Unknown said...

I am trying my best to stay well, but fortunately he seems to be dealing with really bad allergies and not the flu thank goodness. I will have to print a partial retraction tomorrow as he did feel bad enough that he DID go straight to bed when I got home (not to sleep, but to bed) and was feeling MUCH better this evening. There was also NO "Grumpy Daddy" as the kids were doting on him when I got home and trying to make him feel better. Kids are great that way aren't they?

Unknown said...

I hope he does feel better soon. My husband is the same way. LOL